Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Natural Hope

The weather changes; cold rolls in
Icy wind cuts like the sharpest knife
Frozen air covers the city at night

Gone are the flowers, birds, and bees
Nature prepares; takes it in stride
Waiting for months; spring to arrive

The land turns to stone; a protective shell
Trees turn to bones, grass a rotting mulch
Seeds hide within to evade annihilation

Isolated from elements; safely one can observe

White covers all; hiding filth of existence
Softening edges, blending seams, mesmerizing
Like the gleam on an executioner’s blade

Sense of false security, descends from above
Peace, love, goodwill; fall on deafened ears
The world a mess… then kids emerge

The bleak wasteland now an arctic paradise
Cold, lifeless landscape alive with laughter
Bad to good, down to up, empty is now full

Innocence, benevolence, love
Living the moment, loving the life
Fun from nothing; nothing from resentment

Enlightened, now prepare; take it in stride
Enjoy nature; loved ones at my side
Waiting for months; spring will arrive.

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